AIIR | Portable Workout System

Designed to fit in a cabinet, carry-on, or the palm of your hand, the AIIR Line and Flow systems offer users a high-intensity workout whether they are at home or on the go. Marco's dedication to the early stages of concept design with AIIR resulted in a final product that leverages each component of the system to create a compact piece of exercise equipment that is capable of providing a full-body workout. Marco's expertise extended beyond just concept design with AIIR as he also led development and manufacturing for the brand.

+ Lead - Architecture Development
+ Principal - Concept Design
+ Lead - User Experience Design
+ Principal 3D Modeling
+ Direction and Lead Softgoods Design
+ Direction and Lead Softgoods development
+ Direction Brand Logo, Photography, Color and Trims


Work done under STEL Design


Cognixion | One


Inboard | Glider